Canceled Appointments, meet Smart Waitlist.
Luma's Smart Waitlist integrates with Cerner Millennium™ to automatically show matching slots as soon as patients cancel so they stay on the schedule.
- Automatically send patients an option to rebook when they can't make an appointment.
- Offer a patient waitlist that highlights matching appointment types as they open up, reducing wait time while keeping provider schedules full.
- Reach out to the next patient who is waiting for an earlier visit, and automatically fill canceled slots.
...all without staff intervention.

The patient journey orchestration you've been looking for.
- Text-based reminders
- Cancellation management
- Real-time rescheduling
- Smart patient waitlist
...and more.
Outcomes from Luma Health Customers

136 appointment cancellations filled
every month

930,000 forms
completed by patients

3,724 appointment cancellations filled
since going live in October 2023

See how others are getting value from Luma Health
Smart Waitlist helped these Oracle Health customers:
- SJ Health
Achieved an average patient waitlist fill rate of 48% in the last 6 months.
- Maury Regional Health System
Helps patients get seen an average of 33 days sooner.
- Banner Health
Saved patients a total of 9,801 days